
INTÁCT, -Ă, intacţi, -te, adj. Neatins, neştirbit, întreg; p. ext. (despre fiinţe) teafăr, nevătămat. – Din fr. intact, lat. intactus.
Trimis de valeriu, 02.10.2008. Sursa: DEX '98

INTÁCT adj. 1. v. întreg. 2. v. neînceput. 3. v. teafăr. 4. v. nepătat.
Trimis de siveco, 30.09.2008. Sursa: Sinonime

intáct adj. m., pl. intácţi; f. sg. intáctă, pl. intácte
Trimis de siveco, 27.09.2007. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic

INTÁC//T intacttă (intactţi, intactte) 1) Care nu a suferit nici o vătămare; integral; neştirbit; întreg. 2) (despre fiinţe) Care nu a căpătat nici o infirmitate; fără nici o leziune; teafăr; nevătămat; întreg. /<fr. intacte, lat. intactus
Trimis de siveco, 30.09.2008. Sursa: NODEX

INTÁCT, -Ă adj. Neatins, neştirbit; întreg. [< fr. intact, cf. lat. intactus].
Trimis de LauraGellner, 04.08.2006. Sursa: DN

INTÁCT, -Ă adj. neatins, neştirbit; întreg. (< fr. intact, lat. intactus)
Trimis de raduborza, 30.09.2008. Sursa: MDN

Dicționar Român. 2013.

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  • intact — intact, e [ ɛ̃takt ] adj. • 1498; lat. intactus 1 ♦ À quoi l on n a pas touché; par ext.(1835) Qui n a pas subi d altération, de dommage. La carrosserie est abîmée, mais le moteur est intact. « le fond n avait jamais été touché. Là, les richesses …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Intact — can refer to:*Intact (group of companies), a Romanian media trust *Intact (film) *Intact (Accounting Business Management Software) *Intact (album) and Intact (song) by Ned s Atomic Dustbin *Intact (record label) *Entire (animal), describing an… …   Wikipedia

  • intact — intact, te (in takt, tak t ) adj. 1°   À quoi l on n a point touché, dont on n a rien retranché. Le cachet est intact. Le dépôt s est trouvé intact.    Fig. •   Elle sortit, au milieu de la nuit, de ce bosquet et des bras de son ami aussi intacte …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Intact — In*tact , a. [L. intactus; pref. in not + tactus, p. p. of tangere to touch: cf. F. intact. See {In } not, and {Tact}, {Tangent}.] Untouched, especially by anything that harms, defiles, or the like; uninjured; undefiled; left complete or entire.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Intact — (v. lat.), 1) unberührt; 2) unschuldig, rein; 3) von Truppen, die in einer Schlacht noch nicht im Gefecht gewesen u. daher noch frisch sind …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • intact — I adjective complete, entire, faultless, flawless, free from imperfection, full, in good order, in one piece, in perfect condition, intactus, integer, inviolate, perfect, preserved, replete, safe, saivus, solid, sound, together, unabridged,… …   Law dictionary

  • intact — (adj.) mid 15c., from L. intactus untouched, uninjured, undefiled, from in not (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + tactus, pp. of tangere to touch (see TANGENT (Cf. tangent)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • intact — whole, entire, *perfect Analogous words: flawless, faultless, impeccable: complete, replete, *full: *consummate, finished Antonyms: defective Contrasted words: impaired, damaged, injured, marred (see INJURE): vitiated, corrupted or corrupt (see… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • intact — [adj] undamaged; all in one piece complete, entire, flawless, imperforate, indiscrete, perfect, scatheless, sound, together, unblemished, unbroken, uncut, undefiled, unharmed, unhurt, unimpaired, uninjured, unmarred, unscathed, untouched,… …   New thesaurus

  • intact — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not damaged or impaired. DERIVATIVES intactness noun. ORIGIN Latin intactus untouched …   English terms dictionary

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